
Our commitment to enhancing the biking and mountain biking experience extends beyond mere passion. We’ve proudly spearheaded a range of initiatives aimed at fostering a vibrant and thriving community. From trail upgrades that ensure safer and more enjoyable rides to organizing events that bring enthusiasts together, our efforts are designed to celebrate and promote the spirit of biking. 

Each initiative reflects our dedication to providing riders with the best possible experience, while also contributing to the preservation and appreciation of our natural landscapes. Join us in our journey to elevate the biking and mountain biking culture, one pedal stroke at a time.

In Progress


Pump Track

Pump Track

The Pump track was officially opened on October 4th, 2017 and is another key feature of the...

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Fast and Female

Fast and Female

2019 Successful Initiative In 2014, She Rides Penticton was started with the sole intent of...

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Lower Neverland Project Started: 2016 Lower Neverland from YBR to Rusty Muffler was opened in...

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