mountain biking

PACA MTB Social Rides

Join your fellow PACA members at 6:00 each Tuesday throughout the season for a fun rip on our local trails. Location and skill level will be announced every week on our social media feeds, but you can find them on our Event Calendar as well. Rest assured there will be something for everyone. PACA membership is required.

Gear’d Up Youth Program

“Gear’d Up” is a unique program funded by a private donor that provides an opportunity for 8 youth in the South Okanagan to have access to equipment, coaching and basic mechanic skills to explore and develop their demonstrated interest in mountain biking. The program will start in May once the weather permits.

We are seeking your help in putting forward names of individuals who meet all of the following criteria for a unique opportunity:

  • Youth aged 11-13 yrs. (targeting age 12)
  • Demonstrate an interest in biking/mountain biking
  • This program is being offered to help remove the financial barriers to youth participating in outdoor recreation. To be eligible for funding, families must first meet specific financial criteria as per the Revenue Canada’s Low Income cut-offs 2022. eg. $69,835 for a family of 6. (see our application form for more details)
  • Parent/guardian(s) demonstrate a keen interest in supporting their child to engage in extracurricular activities and would be able to help their child to maintain any equipment and accessories and support their child with secure storage of equipment received from participating in the program
  • Parent/guardian(s) able to support their youth to commit to several Tuesday’s starting when the weather permits in May (4-6 sessions total.)
  • Parent/guardian(s) would be keen to supporting a connection to mountain biking by taking youth to trails to ride or supporting youth to continue in group ride opportunities

This opportunity is proudly supported by the South Okanagan Wheel House Society and The Bike Barn and is administered by the Penticton & Area Cycling Association (PACA). The mountain bike skills development will be supervised and guided by a Certified Level 1 Mountain Biking coach. 

Youth meeting the criteria who are selected for the program will receive:

  • A mountain bike for use
  • Helmet and accessories
  • Bike Lock
  • A one-year PACA membership
  • 1- Introductory bike fitting
  • Bike mechanics instruction and hands-on experience
  • Mountain Bike Skill Development sessions at a school field
  • On Trail Skill development and trail etiquette sessions 
  • Snacks at the sessions
  • Wind up celebration party 

If you know a youth that fits the above criteria and would benefit from the program please fill out this form.  If you have any questions feel free to contact: