Bronco is a very popular trail that sits at the mid-southern end of the Three Blind Mice that has needed a number of upgrades for years now.
The trail tread consists of silty dirt, shale rock in sections and bedrock in sections. Due to heavy use, steepness of trail, poor previous building practices and silty soil type, Bronco has had some major erosion issues. A couple of spots have major exposure and need to be made safer in order to stay in good standing with our partnership agreement with
Recreational Sites and Trails BC. Plus, a couple of tweaks have been made to enhance the riding experience on this trail.Bronco is a local favourite and one of the more technical trails on the mountain. It presents challenges to riders at any level. It is important to PACA that any work that has been done keeps the feel of the original trail. Work completed has taken this into account.
- Contributors To Date: RSTBC, PACA Membership dollars
- Timeline: Started Spring 2020 and will be completed Spring 2021