The Penticton and Area Cycling Association (PACA) remains committed to advocating for safer cycling infrastructure and fostering a positive and constructive dialogue around road safety in our community.

We recognize that compromises were made in the design of the bike route to balance the safety of people on bikes with convenience for those driving. PACA remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for continued improvements that enhance safety and accessibility. 

We appreciate the efforts made by the City of Penticton to improve safety along this route, including: 

  • The closure of Martin Street driveways, such as the parking lots at the Southeast corner of Martin @ Westminster and the Northeast corner of Martin @ Wade, reducing conflict points.
  • Amending bylaws to prevent the addition of new driveways along the bike route, preserving its integrity.
  • The implementation of leading pedestrian and bicycle intervals, an evidenced-based, life saving measure which significantly improves safety for vulnerable road users at intersections.

While we continue to push for further enhancements, we also recognize the importance of maintaining a respectful and solution-oriented approach. Regarding the incident February 7th on the 300 block of Martin Street in the bike facility, we are deeply concerned for the well-being of the victim. At this time, we have not received updates on their condition, but we hope for a full and speedy recovery.

It is also important to recognize if vehicular access to this off-street parking lot was exclusively from the lane this terrible incident would have never occurred.

In response to a Castanet piece written by Casey Richardson dated June 1, 2024 detailing the horrific injuries of another victim in very similar circumstances, PACA asked that all driveways be closed immediately where car access can be made from the lane. PACA continues to call on the City of Penticton and parking vendors on the East side of Martin Street to close all access points through the bike facility where access is available to these off-street lots from the lane. Not only for the safety of those using the facility, but these events are also extremely traumatic for drivers. Closing these driveways will significantly improve safety and walkability, while preventing needless injury and death.

PACA remains committed to working with the City of Penticton and other stakeholders to ensure cycling remains a safe, viable, and accessible transportation option for all residents and visitors.

For further updates or to engage with us in discussions on cycling infrastructure, please visit our website or follow our social media channels.